FRI’s Sustainability

Sustainability-Related Material Issues

Of the items specified in the Sustainability Policy, FRI and the Asset Management Company designate issues of especially high priority (materiality) as material issues and work to address them accordingly. FRI and the Asset Management Company has established KPIs to assess specific initiatives related to these material issues.

XLSPlease refer to KPI Actual Results Management Sheet(16.6KB)

Reducing environmental impact (E)

Materiality KPI Support SDGs
  • Reducing carbon emissions by pursuing energy efficiency
  1. Data coverage
  2. Per-unit energy consumption
  3. Per-unit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Conserving water and other resources while reducing waste
  1. Data coverage
  2. Per-unit water consumption
  3. Waste recycling rate
  • Reducing hazardous substances and ensuring health and safety

Collaborating with various stakeholders (S)

Materiality KPI Support SDGs
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
  1. Paid leave usage rate
  2. Percentage of executives and employees who received ordinary and comprehensive health checks
  3. DEI training attendance rate
  • Cooperation and coexistence with local communities
  1. Asset Management Company employees who take part in running activities for &EARTH Clothing Support Project
  2. Participants of the &EARTH Clothing Support Project in FRI Properties
  3. Clothing collected of the &EARTH Clothing Support Project in FRI Properties
  4. Additional donations of the &EARTH Clothing Support Project in FRI Properties
  • Collaboration with the Mitsui Fudosan Group and tenants
  1. Percentage of engagement programs for tenants
  • Engaging with our employees
  1. Average annual training hours per employee
  2. Average annual training expenses per employee
  3. Employees with official certifications
  4. Employee awareness survey
  • Establishing trusting relationships with our investors
  1. Percentage of portfolio with environmental certification
    (DBJ Green Building Certification or CASBEE Rank (Note))
  2. External certifications
  3. IR briefings per year
  • FRI has not received any other green building certifications.

Enhancing the Governance System (G)

Materiality KPI Support SDGs
  • Clarifying corporate governance structure
  1. Number of compliance trainings
  2. Compliance training attendance rate
  • Enhancing corporate governance systems
  1. Number of independent Directors (Supervisory Directors)
  2. Board of directors' meeting attendance rate
  3. Number of female director

Process of Identifying Material Issues

  • The Mitsui Fudosan Group is committed to social and economic development as well as global environmental preservation under the principles of harmony and coexistence, while working to link diverse values and achieve a sustainable society as represented by its "&" corporate logo.
  • Based on the vision of the Mitsui Fudosan Group and an awareness of the role they must fulfill in their relationships with stakeholders, FRI and the Asset Management Company have established the Sustainability Policy as one of their basic policies.
  • Furthermore, with reference with to GRI standards, FRI has evaluated the importance to itself and to stakeholders of the issues outlined in the Sustainability Policy and designated issues of particularly high priority as material issues.
    When designating material issues, FRI works to identify relevant stakeholders, understand stakeholder priorities and expectations, clearly identify tasks, and assign an order of priority through the discussions of the Sustainability Committee.

Relation to SDGs

In September 2015, at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all 193 member nations. The agenda is a guideline for how citizens, governments, businesses and international society as a whole shall work together to realize sustainability through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-composed of 17 larger goals and 169 smaller targets-to be completed by the year 2030.
FRI and the Asset Management Company will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs as well as contributing to social and economic development and the preservation of the global environment by tackling our materiality. How FRI and the Asset Management Company working toward achievement of the 17 goals and 169 targets of the SDGs is detailed above.

Looking Forward

FRI and the Asset Management Company seek to achieve sustainable growth by addressing the material issues presented above in the course of their business activities.
At the same time, while remaining aware of society’s expectations by deepening dialogue with stakeholders, FRI will flexibly revise its designated material issues in response to changes in society.

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