
Basic Structure

Investment Corporation Frontier Real Estate Investment Corporation (FRI) Pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation, FRI shall manage funds raised from unitholders by investing primarily in real estate, etc., and securities backed by real estate, etc.
Asset Management Company Mitsui Fudosan Frontier REIT Management Inc. (MFF) As an investment trust management company licensed under the Investment Trust and Investment Corporation Law of Japan (the "Investment Trust Law"), MFF shall provide asset management services pursuant to the asset management criteria and policies outlined under the Articles of Incorporation of FRI.

The services provided by MFF include:
(1) services relating to the management of assets held by FRI;
(2) services relating to the procurement of funds by FRI;
(3) services relating to reporting to FRI;
(4) services relating or incidental to items (1) through (3) that are requested by FRI from time to time.
Asset Custodian Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited As an asset custodian defined under the Investment Trust Law, the Asset Custodian shall provide services relating to the custody of assets held by the Investment Corporation.
Administrative Agent
As an administrative agent (institution) defined under the Investment Trust Law, the Administrative Agent (Institution) shall provide administrative services.
The services provided by the Administrative Agent (Institution) include services relating to the administration of Directors' meetings and General Meetings of Unitholders (excluding the delivery of documents relating to General Meetings of Unitholders and the collection and collation of documents relating to the exercise of voting rights).
Transfer Agent As an administrative agent (investor registry) defined under the Investment Trust Law, services provided by the Administrator of Investor Registry include:

(1) Services relating to preparation, management and other related tasks associated with the List of Unitholders;
(2) Services relating to the payment of distributions to unitholders, and;
(3) Services relating to the receipt of notifications from unitholders, including but not limited to requests from unitholders in connection with the exercise of voting rights.
Administrative Agent
Reiwa Accounting Holdings Co., Ltd. As an administrative agent (accounting) defined under the Investment Trust Law, the services provided by the Administrative Agent (Accounting) include:

(1) services relating to accounting matters;
(2) services relating to the preparation of accounting records and financial statements;
and other services relating to or incidental to the services listed above.
Administrative Agent
(Tax payments)
Reiwakaikeisha Tax Corporation As an administrative agent (tax payments) defined under the Investment Trust Law, the Administrative Agent (Tax payments) provides the services relating to tax payments, etc.
Special Account Manager Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation Administrator of Special Accounts provides the services relating to the management of special accounts.
Administrative Agent for Investment Corporation Bonds Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited / Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation As an administrative agent for Investment Corporation Bonds defined under the Investment Trust Law, the duties Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limeted and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation will perform on behalf of FRI include the following:

(1) The preparation and maintenance of the investment corporation bond register and other duties related to said register;
(2) Duties related to the issuance of the investment corporation bonds;
(3) Duties related to the payment of interest to investment corporation bond holders and the redemption of the bonds;
(4) Response to requests related to exercising rights and other inquiries from investment corporation bond holders.

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