ESG Information Disclosure

ESG data including the results of initiatives regarding ESG reported on this Website are as follows.

XLSPlease refer to KPI Actual Results Management Sheet(16.6KB)

For our reduction targets for each item, please refer to Targets for Reducing Environmental Burden.


Energy consumption

Actual results of our energy consumption

Unit 2018
(Base Year)
2020 2021 2022
Energy consumption kWh 281,751,586 213,922,981 220,445,290 223,244,104*
Per-unit energy consumption kWh/㎡ 245 195 197 199*
Data coverage 96.8 98.6 99.4 99.8

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Actual results of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Unit 2019
(Base Year)
2020 2021 2022
GHG emissions t-CO2 90,400 75,511 76,706 77,684
Scope1 t-CO2 374 438 389 435*
Scope2 t-CO2 1,805 1,556 1,304 1,383*
Scope3 t-CO2 88,221 73,518 75,013 75,865*
Per-unit GHG emissions t-CO2/㎡ 0.081 0.068 0.068 0.069*
Annual reduction rate to the base year (Per-unit) -16.0 -16.0 -14.8
Data coverage 98.4 98.6 99.4 99.8

Water consumption

Actual results of our water consumption

Unit 2019
(Base Year)
2020 2021 2022
Water consumption 1,124,224 926,407 940,709 977,771*
Per-unit water consumption ㎥/㎡ 1.014 0.844 0.842 0.871*
Annual reduction rate to the base year (Per-unit) -16.7 -16.8 -14.0
Data coverage 98.5 98.4 100.0 100.0

Waste recycling rate

Actual results of our waste recycling rate

Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Waste recycling rate 50.8 54.1 45.6 37.2
Data coverage 88.6 88.0 89.5 86.3

Indicators for 2022 marked with * have been independently assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.
The Independent Assurance ReportPDF



The entire portfolio pertaining to properties owned by Frontier Real Estate Investment Corporation ("FRI") and beneficiary rights.

Reporting Period

Energy consumption, Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Water consumption
12-month period from January to December
The reporting period for data for 2021 and before has been changed to 12-month period from January to December, and the base year in setting targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and water consumption have also been changed from FY2019 to 2019.

Waste recycling rate
Until FY2021: 12-month period from April to March
FY2022: 12-month period from January to December

Calculation methods/Emission factors

Energy consumption (unit: kWh)

  • Fuel: usage of each fuel type ×unit calorific values × electricity energy conversion factor
    Electricity: purchased amount
  • Energy consumption ÷ property floor area (total floor area)

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (unit: t-CO2)

  • energy consumption × CO2 emission factor
  • GHG emissions ÷ property floor area (total floor area)
  • GHG emissions consist with only CO2.
  • GHG emissions related to the electricity usage are calculated based on the basic emissions factors in the “Emissions factors for purchased electricity for each power company (for the use of greenhouse gas emission calculations by specified emitters)” (Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) for each fiscal year.
    GHG emissions other than those related to electricity are calculated based on the emissions factors in the “List of calculation methods and emission factors used in the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation, Reporting and Publication System” (Ministry of the Environment).
  • Definitions of each scope are as follows.
    • Direct GHG emissions from locations owned or controlled by the organization (physical facilities and processes that release GHG into the atmosphere).
      In FRI’s portfolio, this represents the direct CO2 emissions from the fuel usage at common areas in multi-tenant properties as well as pass-through master lease properties.
    • GHG emissions caused by the generation of electricity, heat and steam purchased by the organization.
      In FRI’s portfolio, this represents the indirect CO2 emissions from the usage of electricity, heat and steam supplied by third party at common areas in multi-tenant properties and pass-through master lease properties.
    • This represents GHG emissions other than Scope 1 or Scope 2 generated from sources that are owned or controlled by other organizations, but are related to the activities of the organization.
      In FRI’s portfolio, only category 13 (emissions from the operation of assets that are owned by the reporting company (acting as lessor) and leased to other entities) is included in Scope 3 which represents the indirect CO2 emissions other than Scope 1 or Scope 2 from the usage of electricity, heat and cold water supplied by third party as well as fuel usage.

Water consumption

  • Calculated by aggregating with water usage, gray water usage, rainwater usage, well water usage, recycled water usage, and industrial water usage. This is aggregated by considering the water intake volume to be the water consumption.
  • water consumption ÷ property floor area (total floor area)
  • Well water usage, recycled water usage, and industrial water usage were added from 2022.
    Well water usage, recycled water usage and industrial water usa ge were added for data for 2021 and before.

Waste recycling rate
Calculated based on emissions worked out in accordance with the standards of each municipality.


28th &EARTH Clothing Support Project (Fall 2023)

Results of events at FRI properties

Breakdown of the aforementioned results

Date Facility Participants Clothing
2023/10/28 LaLagarden KASUKABE 230 1,081kg ¥7,480
2023/11/11 Mitsui Outlet Park IRUMA 68 384kg ¥5,100
2023/11/11 LaLaport IWATA 142 708kg ¥2,851


Director information

Title Name Gender Attendance at Board of
Directors meetings
Total compensation amount
in the 39th Period
ended December 31, 2023
Takao Iwadou Male 100%
(13 times / 13 times)
3,000 thousand yen
Toshio Suzuki Male 100%
(15 times / 15 times)
1,800 thousand yen
Koji Iida Male 100%
(15 times / 15 times)
1,800 thousand yen
Noriko Suzuki Female 100%
(15 times / 15 times)
1,800 thousand yen

For brief biographies of directors, see About FRI>Directors

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