Financial Highlights

Business Results

(million yen)
34th FP
(Jun. '21)
35th FP
(Dec. '21)
36th FP
(Jun. '22)
37th FP
(Dec. '22)
38th FP
(Jun. '23)
39th FP
(Dec. '23)
Operating revenues
(million yen)
10,755 11,401 11,523 11,432 11,530 11,032
Operating income
(million yen)
5,742 6,255 6,300 6,343 6,416 6,010
Ordinary income
(million yen)
5,490 5,936 6,023 6,050 6,147 5,704
Net income
(million yen)
5,489 5,935 6,022 6,049 6,146 5,703


34th FP
(Jun. '21)
35th FP
(Dec. '21)
36th FP
(Jun. '22)
37th FP
(Dec. '22)
38th FP
(Jun. '23)
39th FP
(Dec. '23)
Distributions 10,747yen 10,972yen 11,117yen 11,122yen 11,109yen 10,549yen
Total distributions
(million yen)
5,489 5,935 6,014 6,017 6,009 5,707
Payout ratio 99.9% 99.9% 99.8% 99.4% 97.7% 100.0%
Distribution to net assets 3.4% 3.4% 3.4% 3.4% 3.4% 3.2%

Financial Position

34th FP
(Jun. '21)
35th FP
(Dec. '21)
36th FP
(Jun. '22)
37th FP
(Dec. '22)
38th FP
(Jun. '23)
39th FP
(Dec. '23)
Total assets
(million yen)
307,510 330,060 330,351 329,731 327,026 336,333
Net assets
(million yen)
159,101 174,446 174,533 174,568 174,698 174,391
Equity ratio 51.7% 52.9% 52.8% 52.9% 53.4% 51.9%
Net assets per unit 311,495yen 322,452yen 322,612yen 322,678yen 322,917yen 322,350yen

Cash Flows

34th FP
(Jun. '21)
35th FP
(Dec. '21)
36th FP
(Jun. '22)
37th FP
(Dec. '22)
38th FP
(Jun. '23)
39th FP
(Dec. '23)
Cash flows from
operating activities
(million yen)
7,442 7,580 9,858 9,422 14,733 6,419
Cash flows from
investing activities
(million yen)
-901 -22,877 -1,201 -319 -1,408 -14,955
Cash flows from
financing activities
(million yen)
-6,836 17,345 -5,936 -6,214 -8,014 2,888
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
(million yen)
9,885 11,932 14,653 17,541 22,852 17,205

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